Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Movie Theater Advertising

I'm sick of paying almost $9 per person (I'm sure it is more elsewhere) for the privilege to sit down in a theater and be bombarded with advertising. I'm personally boycotting the movie theater until they stop this incredibly annoying practice. It is bad enough that I have to skip ads on television and I'm paying for the cable system to bring it into my home.

I'm sure the theaters will argue that it offsets their cost and keeps the ticket prices down but please, I'm not stupid. Ticket prices have risen steadily for the past 20 years and I don't see it coming down anytime soon because of advertising.

I know Comcast is trying to get the rights to show movies in the home at the same time they are released in the theaters and at $30-$50 per pop, it seems expensive but if I can get several people together for a movie night, the cost per person is far less and I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much. Of course, Comcast will screw that up too and put advertising that can't be skipped into the movie stream. How much do you want to bet?

I can't be the only one who finds these ads annoying? If you do, send a message to the movie studios and theaters by simply refusing to pay for advertising and let's force them to stop this practice.

1 comment:

Skudge said...

It's greed. They have a captive audience, and they'll hit you with every message they can get in front of you, from the slides before the show, to the ads before the previews, to the previews themselves (which everyone likes, in moderation), to product placement in the movie itself.

All while ticket prices and concession prices go up, up, up.

You can find this kind of fleecing in a number of industries, and it's basically them preying on your apathy. They know you don't like it, but they also know you're not bloody likely to do anything about it, so they go forward with it.

I agree, man, let them hear the complaints, and maybe the drip-drip-drip of bad vibes will add up to a realization and a change.