I think Microsoft shouldn't have beat around the bush with their latest ad with Seinfeld. If they really wanted to play to the previous generation, they should have just pulled out all the stops and done it right by making a much stronger reference to an era gone by.
Here's how it would go:
Sting Enters a Room Full of CD/DVD Duplication Machines
Sting: Hey, Richard.
Richmeister: [ looks up from desk, smiles ] Stiiiiing! Der Stingelhoffer! Making copies! The McStingster! Stingatola! Stiiiiiiing!! [ pause ] Sting-a-ling-a-ding-ding-ding-dong!
Sting: [ gesturing to the copiers and showing the disk in his hand] I'm just here to make some copies.
Richmeister: [nodding head] Alright, the Stingernator! Making some copies. The Stingolator making copies.
Sting: That Apple crap is selling way too well so I'm here to flood the market with bootlegs of Vista to bring up market share.
Richmeister: [using hands to make like an explosion] The Macinator, blowing Vista out of the water. Stingdupulator not a happy camper. Vistola being crushed. [crushes soda can on desk]
Sting: It's not being crushed. People just don't appreciate the finer points of configuring a PC for a truely cutting edge OS.
Richmeister: [nodding head] Vistipula needing to much RAM'o. Programmators at Micromeister writing the bloatware!
Sting: [waving hands like to stop] Your making a lot of nothing. RAM, CPU, Graphics Cards...they're all cheap commodity items now. Programmers don't need to be efficient any longer.
Richmeister: [in a voice like a pirates parrot] Aye Matey, so the Stingalita becomes a pirate. Stingo the Pirate'O! Sqwawk!
Sting: If you love something, you have to set it free!
Richmeister: Stingerator...making the references to his old songs...Stinger the Singer.
Sting: Stop turning every breath I take and every move I make against me.
Richmeister: Oooh, the Stingernator, recycling the old material. The Recyler recycling.
Sting: The bottom line is, we need more copies of Vista out there in order to have more fields of gold for Microsoft. No matter what it takes.
Richmeister: The Captain Stinger, running out of the time just like the Microsofty.
In comes Mike Myers as Wayne from Wayne's World
Wayne: I heard there were some most excellent bootlegs here. Party On!
The end...
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