As they say, "Better late than never."
Now who "they" might be I have no idea but hopefully the didn't live on some island in the Pacific.
"Better late" certainly holds true to the show LOST. I started watching this the past few months via Netflix after having avoided the show for a long time. I'm glad I decided to give it a try and I'm very glad I waited to watch it via DVD. Being able to watch 2 or 3 episodes in a row is a great way to see this show. I found the same to be true of 24.
What makes Lost so much better than 24 is the number of characters they have to work with and the length of time they can take to tell their stories. I only hope the writing stays as good as it has been. But then, some of you know how the writing turns out as I'm only on Season 3 right now.
That being said, I just had to write to say that Episode 55, "Flashes Before Your Eyes" was easily the best episode so far and an example of some spectacular writing and editing. I just watched it over the weekend and it was easily the best WOW moment I've had in quite some time with a TV show. The only thing that might have made this show better was if I had been watching it on a big screen TV instead of a temporary 22" replacement for my dead TV. However, it wasn't the videography or picture that made this so great but the amazing way they've managed to build up to this point in the story and to keep you guessing. All of this with a character (Desmond) that technically hasn't really been seen that much. It just shows how great the writing is when you can care about the outcome of a minor character like this. Of course, in Lost, you never know when the minor turns into the major which is what makes this show so fantastic.
I've not tracked the general commentary on the show or really cared about what was said too much other than some friends saying that it was good and worth watching. An observation I made last night (which I'm sure has been made before) while watching a favorite episode of The Twilight Zone was how much Lost is like that show in many ways. Now granted, Twilight Zone was a bunch of self-contained stories unlike Lost. But Lost has some Twilight Zone like moments with twists and turns and mysterious things that I think get to the heart of why people liked to watch Twilight Zone so much. The big difference is of course the budget and production values have been cranked up. None of that matters though without the writing. Twilight Zone has some horrible (by today's standards) lighting, editing and sets but no one cared and I doubt anyone even cares today.
The only thing that matters is the story. Unfortunately, a lot of movie makers and TV producers have forgotten this. Lost should be a wake call.
Be careful reading replies to posts about Lost. I won't spoil anything for you, but you never know if others will.
The Desmond storyline is absolutely one of the better storylines, and you will get an explanation as to what's happening with Desmond and why (though maybe not how).
Lost is doing a great job of answering one question while asking two more, and I've got a real sense that the creators have a destination firmly in mind. Nobody knows if it's going to pay off, but my guess is that it will.
Regardless, it's certainly the most ambitious TV show I've seen in a very long time (possibly ever) in terms of the depth and breadth of the story, and the lengths they will go to to tell it.
I'm glad you're on the bandwagon, son. Enjoy the ride.
Yeah, Lost is teh bomb. We have an hourlong rap session about each episode basically every week. We loves us some Pen-nah!
Oh no! I just realized after I'm done with the next two disks in the Season 3 series, I'll have no more to rent!!
I think I'm having withdrawal symptoms already!
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