I got the opportunity to try out the Wii Fit last night for the first time (and so did the rest of my family) and have to admit that it is intriguing so far. It'll be interesting as time goes on to see if the thing has staying power.
True to video game conventions, you have to wait to unlock a lot of the games and exercises until after you've built up your play time so I've only been able to play the short list of games that are unlocked to start with. I've not tried any of the "real" exercises yet so I can't comment on them but if I can't lose 50 pounds in 5 weeks, I'm taking it back! I mean, this thing does perform miracles right?
A lot of the games are appealing and fun if not a bit too short. One thing is for sure, your calves get a pretty good workout in many of the games. Hopefully, the other exercises that are out there work the other parts of the body just as hard.
One of the complaints about Wii Fit is that it has an odd way of judging your Wii Fit Age and it typically seems to be quite high. I can see peoples point after playing with it a bit. When you setup your profile for the first time, other than calculating BMI, it checks your balance and then based solely on those few things, it says you are fit or unfit. I really don't see the correlation much. I also don't know if it differentiates between male or female but my assumption is that they assume your Mii represents your gender correctly.
Stay tuned as I mess around with this thing a bit more over the next few weeks. Of course, that assumes I can get near it at all.