I saw this the other day and couldn't believe what I saw. Is Tivo serious? Are they really trying that hard to piss off PAYING customers (remember, people PAY to use the Tivo) and drive them away? It is no wonder I chose to watch Lost on DVD. I couldn't imagine having to subject myself to something like an AD pausing my playback and making me watch it. It is pretty unbelievable.
The sad part is I just got a Tivo HD for free and I'm now contemplating selling it. I was kind of excited not for the HD part but the dual tuner feature but if this is what I've got to look forward to, you can count me out.
1 comment:
I am a Tivo owner. I love Tivo. I've recommended it countless times.
But if this idea lasts more than three seconds, I'll cancel my account and chuck my Tivo boxes right out the window.
Tivo has no right to inject its own content into my living room uninvited. Its no different from a toaster that would make me wait for toast another thirty seconds so I could hear it talk about bagels. Or a car that stopped itself every hour or two to present me with some information on new tires.
No. No. No.
Tivo flirts with this stuff from time to time, and so far they've made the wise choices. But they seem destined to break their implicit pact with their owners, and insert their messages over top of whatever it is that their owners have chosen to view. I know they see a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, but they need to realize that the minute that progress down that path, the rainbow goes away for good.
There are no shortage of competitors now, and fewer reasons every day to remain loyal to a company, Tivo, who seems hell-bent on minimizing the priority of its customer over the lure of short-term revenue.
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