Monday, December 24, 2007

24 hours just isn't enough

I know this is ridiculously obvious but I feel this way more than ever the last few days and weeks.

24 Hours in one day just isn't enough!

I mean, it isn't enough to get the non-essential, goofing off type of stuff accomplished let alone the real things that probably should matter.

I come home and eat and then help kids with homework or read with them and before I know it, it is time for them to go to bed. I don't mean I want them to go to bed but that it is best for their health and well being that they actually do get some sleep.

The funny thing is, the kids think we're "punishing" them when we make them go to bed on time and that somehow we just don't understand. Well, I'd like nothing better than to keep them up another hour or two and play some board games with them. Thank goodness my younger ones can't play RTS games online with me yet or we'd have serious issues. (well, they could but it wouldn't really be fair now would it...)

Or what about that neat National Geographic or NOVA special (of which there are dozens on my Replay saved) that we haven't watched yet. When will we ever find the time?

That's why I'm blessed to have time at the end of the year (usually) to take some time with the kids while they are off and do nothing but play board games all day. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are always a blast and important but the real fun is the day after. Nothing to do but play games. The same goes for New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. Hopefully we'll have the same amount of time then to break out the latest box of fun.

So I say to all of you:

Happy Day After Christmas!

1 comment:

Skudge said...

The sad part is that the day you describe is exceptional, when it should be commonplace. The idea of a family day is almost extinct. Even when we're not at work, we're tethered by cell phones and email, or distracted by chores that we're cramming into the shrinking free time we have available.

Even, if not especially, at Christmas, which has become a season of do-this, get-that, be-there, and very little true giving going on (except from parents to kids).

So good for you for the time you do spend. I hope it was GREAT!