Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Donut Origins

This morning I was eating a donut and it dawned on me that I don't even know what the word is supposed to mean or where it came from. Well, of course, curiosity finally got the best of me so I had to find out what I could. As usual, we (us in the USA) mangled the word and it was originally spelled doughnut. Of course, that makes sense. Donuts are made of DOUGH but where did the NUT come from. It turns out someone just had the bright idea to add walnuts to the thing. Eventually, they decided to punch a hole in it too much to my dismay. One donut with no hole would be quite enough but now I need to eat two to really feel satisfied.

As usual, all this information could be a lie and I didn't vet the source for accuracy. If you want to be amused by more donut history, check this article out on Trust me, there is more there than you ever wanted to know. (This is required reading in some law enforcement schools.)

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