Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy 30th Birthday Apple ][

I just had to say Happy Birthday to my old friend the Apple ][ computer. I cut my teeth on this or technically the Apple ][+ (although my first love was a Compucolor a friend of mine had - those dot addressable COLOR graphics via peeks and pokes were so much fun - Jay if you are out there somewhere, please say HI). I still remember going to Radio Shack and picking up this big black tape cassette player/recorder so I could hook it up to my Apple with an audio cable to read in the tapes. Games like Lemonade Stand and Penny Arcade are fondly remembered (I really hated that little bolt of lightning signifying a rainy day and low lemonade prices) and Planet Miners from Avalon Hill.

I used to visit the Computer Tree and spend hours and hours and hours looking at and tinkering with everything they had in the store. The first graphics tablet I ever played with was there and was a blast but was around $700 (or was it $1100, I can't recall) and certainly out of the reach of most people.

After my Apple ][+, I added an Integer Basic card and Floppy Disk Drive, then it was on to the Apple ][e. Eventually I graduated into the a Mac 128 (yeah - but can you say "disk swap") but that is a whole other story. (I also had the fortune or misfortune of using an Apple ///, Apple IIgs, and a Lisa - Lisa fun, Apple /// not so fun, gs...well what can I say, it was there.)

Those were the good ol' days!

1 comment:

Skudge said...

I was always envious of my friends with those early Apples. I plugged away on a pitiful Timex Sinclair 1000 as my first computer.

Then it was on to the Commodore 64. The golden age.

My first Mac was an LC, so I came to the party late. But once there, I never left.

Thanks Apple, and Happy Birthday!